Born in 1966 in Pilsen, and emigrated to Germany in 1987. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg and Munich and has since devoted himself to art in almost all its forms, painting, sculpture, illustration and graphics. Since 1994, he has also worked as a painter and scenographer on theater stages and film productions, e.g. at the National Theater in Mannheim and the People's Theater in Munich, Studio Babelsberg. In 2010 he returned to Bohemia and the first exhibition of his work took place in Prague, accompanied by a collection of poems entitled Escapes and Returns. He currently works and exhibits throughout Europe. In his paintings, he comments on the ironic beauty of everyday life, which is an important inspiration. Painting, drawing, colors and forms combine, the result is melancholic "photographs" of fleeting moments with the romance of seemingly banal situations.
1989 Café ignaz, Munich: Act
1989 Amaranth, Munich: S&W
1990 Sonnenblume, Nuremberg: Act
1991 Impuls, Nuremberg: Selection 1992
1992 Galerie sun, Munich: Act1989-1992
1992 D-bank galerie, Frankfurt: Emotion
1993 Sallon 1, Frankfurt: Living?
1993 Divadlo pod Palmovkou, Prague: Moments
1994 Divadlo v Řeznické, Prague: Mix
2000 Galerie eins, Nuremberg: Private rooms
2001 Sallon 1, Berlin: Warum?
2004 Galerie crepp, Nuremberg: Crepp complette
2005 Atelier ms-art, Nuremberg: Willkommen
2006 Galerie "oben", Nuremberg: Nahoře bez
2007 Atelier ms-art, Nuremberg: Gardenzound
2008 Galerie crepp, Nuremberg: Český knedlík
2009 Atelier ms-art,Nuremberg: On the line
2010 Atelier ms-art,Nuremberg: To go
2011 Trnkova vila, Prague: Útěky a návraty
2012 H22, Pilsen: Angels and other flying objects
2012 Trmalova vila, Prague: Touch
2012 Divadlo Hybernia, Prague: Angels
2012 Andělé pro Plzeň
2013 Kášterní kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie, Plasy: Angels
2013 Dominikánský klášter, České Budějovice : Under angels wings
2013 Iatelier, Pilsen: On Line
2014 Kostel Panny Marie, Hojsova Stráž: Angels on the road
2014 Wolf Theiss, Prague: Andělé
2014 Iatelier, Pilsen: Urban moments
2015 Wolf Theiss, Prague: Magia Lineas
2015 Weekend OZ, Pilsen: Hnízdo andělů
2016 Iatelier, Pilsen: On the line
2017 - Stuttgart-on the road
2017 Iatelier, Pilsen: Touch the muse
2018 Iatelier, Pilsen: Adjectives of love and death
2019 Palác Žofín, Prague: Angels
2019 Kuns(t)räume grenzenlos - B.Eisenstein -über den Zaun...
2022 - Studio Flaner Prague